Remnant of Yisrael

"...Save Your people the Remnant of Yisrael...a great company shall return here..."
Jeremiah 31:7,8
Our Story
Having served as Evangelist, Youth Pastor, and Senior Pastor for 20 years, did not prevent the question, "Is this all there is?"
In 2001, a trip to Israel left us with more questions than we had comfortable answers. The prayer and searching of Scripture led to revelations of amazing truth and of glaring problems with our current ministry environment.
August 2002 brought about the departure from all things familiar to follow Yah's Commands as given in the Torah. The establishment of House of David in Gloucester, VA as a "House of Study" resulted and still continues. It has been an amazing adventure far beyond all we have previously known. Thank You Yah!
Why the "Y" in Yisrael?
While the change in spelling as opposed to "Israel" is slight, the difference is very important. We fully support the nation and people of Israel, seeking to stand by her in prayer and giving. However, we do not see the sovereign state as being the whole of Yah's plan for His people.
Yisrael, with the "Y" refers to that Covenant Body comprised of two separate Houses; that of Yehudah [the Jewish people] and Yisrael [scattered remnants of tribes displaced out of the land centuries ago and of those seeking to follow the Spirit of Yah to come back to His Commands].
The fulfillment of prophecies concerning this eventuality will take Israel to a place no government or society ever could. May Yah hasten that day.
Current Ministry:
House of David, Gloucester Pt., VA
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at 3pm on Shabbat for teaching.
Remnant of Yisrael Channel on
Ten Minute Torah- Daily commentary
on the upcoming Torah Portion,
Monday through Friday.
Complete and in depth study on
Weekly Torah Portion from House of

Our labor and efforts to see the Remnant of Yah's people restored and made a part of His Kingdom is increased and encouraged by your donations. Travel, websites, materials, liviing expenses are all helped by any partnership you offer.
Any contribution made to Remnant of Yisrael is NOT tax deductable due to our filing status. We prefer to not come under that level of scutiny or governance.
Thank you for your prayerful support.
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It has been an exciting and rewarding adventure to walk in the Torah's light and instructions for over 19 years now. Our family has grown to include another generation who will know YHWH and the beauty of His commands.
It would be our delight to share with your friends and family the joy of keeping the Feasts of Yah, the beauty of Shabbat, the power of the Shofar and Hebraic Worship, and the intensity of intercession based on the Covenant given to us in Y'shua.